Majlis Ta'lim is a public institution that is a great non formal role to harmony in society and the family. Activities in the era of globalization is necessary to improve communication between the members also can eliminate the properties of modern individualism and without limits.
Modernization that occurred in this era of globalization in addition to the positive impact can also have a negative impact on family life. Widespread information flow, it can cause new problems, including negative impacts on the quality of human faith and morals.
Modernization which one character is the use of reason (rationality) has resulted in human relationships take place on rational considerations and functionality aside emotions and feelings. This tendency on the next turn bring people to the orientation of the material, ie everything is measured in terms of material (material).
Human relations, including between families in the community as it is personal or individual, the relationship-centered self-interest and do not care about the interests of others. Such symptoms, as can be seen in the lives of the people in the metropolis. Also influenced by the communication media is automatic. As a consequence, facilitate human relationships appropriately and practically although they were within a much.
The things above, I have influence in family life. Relationships between families that are rational and have lowered the quality of individual taste continued, between parents and children and among kinsfolk. Such as the vertices of friendship and affection. Therefore, it is not uncommon in developed countries divorce and various forms of disharmony in family life is a common symptom of breakdown of the family institution and the tranquility and peace that make a harmonious family is lost, it is a result of globalization today.
Therefore, at the time of the increasingly problematic terms with this life , the family eventually had to be a comfortable shelter , capable of providing an atmosphere of tranquility and peace in the family environment . And in the midst of the social mobility of the high life as it is today , the family should be present as a social therapy , so that the family can serve as giant shock absorbers . Ie as a shelter each individual ( family member ) who has been torn apart in the face of a global fight . And the institution of the family will be really useful ideally , if the family building berfondasi religiosity concept that puts the family in terms of tolerance patembayan ( gotong royong ) is a framework agreement to be complementary and mutually in the most important: . Correlation in the family is the most important noble character awakening ( akhlakul karimah ) . Because, without foundation akhlakul karimah family will only see life atmosphere disorientation and disharmony .
Then the religious material that is given in the Assembly Ta'lim to the mothers are very important in fostering harmonious family. Because of religion is contained only in the moral values that are timeless, which is a fundamental element for the happiness and harmony of the household.
In this case Islam explains the concept of ideal family life or Vegas. As Allah SWT says in Surat ar-Rum verse 21, which reads:
"And among the signs of His power is that he created for you wives from yourself so that you tend to your kind and trusting him. And made in His real affection among you in this is truly there are signs for those that think".
That the home is a place one can enjoy life with excitement loose and free from all bondage. Household, a place for that in the natural release tired after work to get the weight and physical fitness as well as peace of soul and mind after a thousand and one problems in a variety of jobs. Family is the smallest cell of society and the nucleus of the cell are husband and wife. In other words, the quality of life on this planet really is determined by the quality of their relationship. Quality of children's education as the vanguard of building the nation's future also depends on the condition of the family concerned. Every person who enters the gate. Family life through marriage, would crave the realization of a family or household is a happy and prosperous as well as physical and spiritual salvation and peace of life.
However, to realize the true happiness of the household is not easy and allegedly, although the inherent love and affection passionate, sometimes powerless against the obstacles that arise in the family, in a society that will be stronger if the household is a community pillar the strong and prosperous. As we know that the realization of the household because of the marriage will be undertaken by a husband and wife where both candidates want to live together under one roof and one with a dream role and responsibilities according to the position and disposition of each.
Domestic happiness is the responsibility of the husband and wife. If they can each play a role and responsibility of each according to the position and nature, surely it will be a happy household. To move in that direction they should have mawaddah and mercy, and mercy when mawaddah is always owned by both the path to a happy household will definitely come true.
How delish live a peaceful and happy, there is no problem that can not be resolved and there is no difficulty that can not be faced. In such a life, everything has a meaning and increase awareness of the meaning of life, because of the difficulties, shortcomings, and suffering is the salt of life that make it easy and delicious. Real life peace, tranquility soul, or inner happiness, not much dependent on external factors such as the social, economic, political, customs and so on. But rather depends on the manner and attitude to face these factors.
So who determines peace and happiness in life is mental health. Mental health that determines a person's response to a problem, and its ability to adapt, mental health is precisely what determines whether people will have a passion for life, or be passive and not passionate.
Islam wants lasting couples in the foster home. There exists harmony, love and compassion so that each party felt peace in it.
To achieve sakinah household, in need of discipline and exemplary husband and wife. They should be able to enforce it to his family. Discipline and exemplary is sakinah household tips.
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